The following application solves 1d Schrodinger equation in user defined potential. The app is written in Python and uses Numpy,SciPy for linear algebra and Matplotlib for visualization. The program can be used as a standalone application as well as python module implementing relevant calculations. Atomic units are used througout the interface. The precision of calculations […]
1D Schrodinger equation in arbitrary potential
Published in Апрель 25th, 2014
Posted by Peter Mamonov in ??? ???????
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Nanotubes generating script for PyMol
Published in Ноябрь 16th, 2011
Posted by Peter Mamonov in ??? ???????
The script generates nanotubes of arbitrary structure. See related media in the end of the page. To use it, save script to some file, then load into PyMol with the command: PyMol> run /path/to/ then issue the command: PyMol> ntgen obj_name, n, m, l This will produce an object «obj_name», containing SWNT characterized by two […]
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