The script generates nanotubes of arbitrary structure. See related media in the end of the page.
To use it, save script to some file, then load into PyMol with the command:

PyMol> run /path/to/

then issue the command:

PyMol> ntgen obj_name, n, m, l

This will produce an object «obj_name», containing SWNT characterized by two indices (n,m) as described here). The length of SWNT is defined by the forth argument l.
The script is also capable of generating valid GROMACS structure and topology files for further molecular mechanical modelling. To generate them issue the following command

PyMol> ntgen obj_name, n, m, l, filename

This last command will produce «filename.gro» and «» files.

Here comes the script:

# Nanotubes generating script for PyMol by piton at
import cmd
from math import cos,sin,pi,ceil,floor, acos
from chempy import models, cpv

class cell:
  def __init__(self,N,M):
    l = 1.42
    a = 2.*l*cos(pi*30./180.)
    self.a1 = [a, 0., 0.]
    self.a2 = [a*cos(pi*60./180.), a*sin(pi*60./180.), 0.]
    self.crds = [[0., 0., 0.],
                 [l*cos(pi*30./180.), l*sin(pi*30./180.), 0]]

    self.Ch = cpv.add(cpv.scale(self.a1, N), cpv.scale(self.a2, M))
    self.lenCh = cpv.length(self.Ch)
    self.Ch = cpv.normalize(self.Ch)
    self.T = cpv.normalize(cpv.cross_product(self.Ch, cpv.cross_product(self.a1, self.a2)))
    self.radius = self.lenCh/math.pi/2.

  def get_crds(self, n=0, m=0):
    d = cpv.add(cpv.scale(self.a1,n),cpv.scale(self.a2,m))
    crds = []
    for crd in self.crds:
      v = cpv.add(crd, d)
      ang = 2. * math.pi * cpv.dot_product(v,self.Ch) / self.lenCh
      r = cpv.dot_product(v, self.T)
      crds.append([self.radius*math.cos(ang), self.radius*math.sin(ang),r])
    return crds

def new_at(crd, nm, sym, typ, charge=0.0):
  at = chempy.Atom()
  at.charge = charge = nm
  at.symbol = sym
  at.type = typ
  at.coord = crd
  at.hetatm = False
  at.resn = 'CNT'
  at.resi = '1'
  at.resi_number = 1
  at.bonds = []
  return at

def ntgen(obj, sN,sM,sL, save = None):
  Usage: ntgen obj_name, n, m, l
  bdist = 2.0
  rCH = 1.1
  N,M,L = int(sN), int(sM), int(sL)
  if (M > N):
    _N = N
    N = M
    M = _N
  rN,rM,rL = float(N), float(M), float(L)
  C = cell(N,M)
## Generate atoms
  nt = models.Indexed()
#  for j in range(L):
#    for i in range(N):
#      n,m = i + (j*M)/N, (i*M)/N -j
  iat = 0
  for n in range(0,N+M*L/N):
    if M > 0:
      m_start =  max(int(ceil(-rL*(1 + rM**2/rN**2) + rM*n/rN)), int(floor(-rN*n/rM)) )
      m_stop = min(int(floor(rM*n/rN)), int(floor(rM+rN**2/rM-rN*n/rM)))
      m_start, m_stop = -L, 0
    for m in range(m_start, m_stop):
      for crd in C.get_crds(n,m):
        nt.add_atom(new_at(crd, "C%d" % (iat+1), 'C', 'opls_145'))
        iat += 1
## Add bonds
  for i in range(1,len(nt.atom)):
    for j in range(i):
      d = cpv.distance(nt.atom[i].coord, nt.atom[j].coord)
      if d <= bdist:
        b = chempy.Bond()
        b.index = [j,i]
        if d <= 0.5:
          print "WARNING: Atoms #%d and #%d are too close" % (i,j)
## Add protons
  nat = iat
  for iat in range(len(nt.atom)):
    if len(nt.atom[iat].bonds) == 2:
      r0 = nt.atom[iat].coord
      r1 = cpv.sub(nt.atom[nt.atom[iat].bonds[0]].coord, r0)
      r2 = cpv.sub(nt.atom[nt.atom[iat].bonds[1]].coord, r0)
      rh = cpv.add(r0, cpv.scale(cpv.normalize(cpv.add(r1,r2)), -rCH))
      nt.add_atom(new_at(rh, "H%d" % (nat+1), 'H', 'opls_146', 0.115))
      nt.atom[iat].charge = -0.115
      b = chempy.Bond()
      b.index = [iat,nat]
      nat += 1
    if len(nt.atom[iat].bonds) < 2:
      print "WARNING: Lone carbon detected, id #%d" % iat
# Center system

#  for iat in range(len(nt.atom)): print iat, nt.atom[iat].bonds
  C = [0.,0.,0.]
  for iat in range(len(nt.atom)): C = cpv.add(C, nt.atom[iat].coord)
  C = cpv.scale(C, -1./len(nt.atom))
  for iat in range(len(nt.atom)): nt.atom[iat].coord = cpv.add(nt.atom[iat].coord, C)

  if save:
## Save GRO
    f = open(save+'.gro', 'w')
    print >>f, "SWNT %d-%d-%d" % (N,M,L)
    print >>f, "%5d" % len(nt.atom)
    for iat in range(len(nt.atom)):
      print >>f, "%5d%5s%5s%5d%8.3f%8.3f%8.3f%8.3f%8.3f%8.3f" % (1, 'CNT', nt.atom[iat].name, iat+1, nt.atom[iat].coord[0]/10., nt.atom[iat].coord[1]/10., nt.atom[iat].coord[2]/10., 0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
    print >>f, "0.0 0.0 0.0"

## Generate topology
    f = open(save+'.itp', 'w')
## Atoms
    print >>f, """
[ moleculetype ]
; name  nrexcl
CNT         3

[ atoms ]
;   nr    type   resnr  residu    atom    cgnr  charge"""
    for iat in range(len(nt.atom)):
      print >>f, "%-5d %-10s %-5d %-10s %-10s %-5d %8.3f" % (iat+1, nt.atom[iat].type, 1, 'CNT', nt.atom[iat].name, iat+1, nt.atom[iat].charge)
## Bonds
    print >>f, """
[ bonds ]
; i j"""
    for iat in range(len(nt.atom)):
      for ib in nt.atom[iat].bonds:
        if ib < iat:
          print >>f, "%-5d %-5d 1" % (iat+1, ib+1)
## Angles
    print >>f, """
[ angles ]
; i j k 1"""
    for j in range(len(nt.atom)):
      for i in nt.atom[j].bonds:
        for k in nt.atom[j].bonds:
          if k < i:
            print >>f, "%-5d %-5d %-5d 1" % (i+1, j+1, k+1)
## Dihedrals
    print >>f, """
[ dihedrals ]
; i j k l 2 Theta k"""
    for b in
      j,k = b.index[0], b.index[1]
      if len(nt.atom[j].bonds) >= 2 and len(nt.atom[k].bonds) >= 2:
        for i in nt.atom[j].bonds:
          for l in nt.atom[k].bonds:
            if i != k and l != j:
              rjk = cpv.sub(nt.atom[k].coord, nt.atom[j].coord)
              rji = cpv.sub(nt.atom[i].coord, nt.atom[j].coord)
              rkl = cpv.sub(nt.atom[l].coord, nt.atom[k].coord)
              nijk = cpv.normalize(cpv.cross_product(rji, rjk))
              njkl = cpv.normalize(cpv.cross_product(rkl, rjk))
              cosa = cpv.dot_product(nijk, njkl)
              if cosa > 1.0: cosa = 1.0
              if cosa < -1.0: cosa = -1.0
#              print i,j,k,l,cosa
              a = 180*acos(cosa)/pi
#              print a
              if a > 90.0:
                print >>f, "%-5d %-5d %-5d %-5d 2 %-8.3f 20.0" % (i+1, j+1, k+1, l+1, a)

## Load object
#  for iat in range(len(nt.atom)): nt.atom[iat].id = iat+1
#  nt.update_index()
  cmd.load_model(nt, obj)

cmd.extend("ntgen", ntgen)

SWNT-(10,10) of length l=30 generated with the script: