Some distributives (gentoo, openSuse, etc.) contains default Pymol without vmd molfile plugins. By the way these plugins are essential because give an ability to open trj, xtc, cube and other different useful file formats. Here is step-by-step instruction to compile pymol-1.4.x on openSuse 12.1 but I suppose it might work on other distributives as well.
Pymol compilation with VMD Molfile plugins
Published in Февраль 18th, 2013
Posted by comcon1 in ??? ???????
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?????????? ?? ????????? ????????? TRAX
Published in Февраль 12th, 2013
Posted by Peter Mamonov in ??? ???????
????????? TRAX ????????? ???????? ?????? ??????? ???????????? ???????????????? ????????? ? ??????????????? ??????? ? ???? ???????? ?? ??????? ???? ?????????? ?? ??????? ?????????. ????? ????????? ????????? ???????? ?????? ??????? ?????????? (??????????) ?????????. ??? ?c??????? ????????? ?????????? ????????? ????????? ????????: ?????????? ????????????? ????? Python ? ????? ??????????????? ?????????, ???????? ? ?????? Enthought Python Distribution (EPD). ??????? EPD […]
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